beauty in brokenness

2 min readOct 1, 2020

Brokenness is a concept that is difficult for anyone to truly embrace. We don’t like to admit that we are broken people. It is effortless and comfortable to share the exciting and joyful parts of our lives, but the complete antithesis when we are forced to share the parts that may seem shameful or painful. We feel exposed and begin to define ourselves by our broken circumstances, inevitably comparing ourselves to our environments. We feel unlovable and burdensome. Suppression seems enticing and deceitfully healing.

There is a level of intimacy that is required and developed as we learn to become more comfortable with being vulnerable and transparent. That intimacy encapsulates accountability, safety, and love. However our fears of being overwhelming and judged overpower our desires to reach any level of intimacy.

The notion that God invites us to “come as we are” is an indigestible and unfathomable one. I admittedly put on a malleable facade, adapting and adjusting my demeanor depending on my surroundings. I don’t feel confident people would still embrace and choose me, should they see me in my most raw and unfiltered form.

But God does.

And knowing this truth, why am I still so ashamed of my brokenness? God has redeemed me in my brokenness, and there is nothing more beautiful than His love for His people — His broken people. He uses our brokenness to teach us empathy and compassion, and He makes us new. So we rejoice! I am imploring that instead of choosing suppression and shame, that we would choose joy and humility.




learning to unlearn my tendency of suppressing.